Declaration .American Idol winner David Cook is set to release his self-titled debut album on November 18th, 2008. Produced by Grammy winning Rob Cavallo (Green Day, Kid Rock), David Cook is a quality album full with radio hits. Cook co-wrote 9 songs from his debut, along with songwriters like Chris Cornell, Brian Howes & Cathy Dennis. The 1st single "Light On" was co-written by one of rock music's most influential innovators,
Chris Cornell, lead singer and songwriter for Soundgarden and Audioslave, and acclaimed producer / songwriter Brian Howes, who has worked with superstar rock bands such as Hinder and Puddle of Mudd.
Song Title :
1. Declaration, 2. Heroes, 3. Light On, 4. Come Back to Me, 5. Life on the Moon, 6. Bar-ba-sol, 7. Mr. Sensitive, 8. Lie, 9. I Did it for You, 10. Avalanche, 11. Permanent, 12. A Daily AntheM, 13. The Time Of My Life
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